- Users can now filter customers in the Order History without having to know the name or the account number
- Order history data is pre-filtered by the initial customer selection
- Layout and design of the availability table in the order PDF updated
EPD-2921 - Scramble - When Clicking into a Catalog, Filter Customer Selector by Customers with Correct Catalog Permissions
EPD-2673 - CSP - Amplitude: Page Filters
EPD-2670 - CSP - Amplitude: Report Pages Options
EPD-2478 - Display messaging on "Restricted States" Checkout screen (Scramble)
EPD-2735 - Having "." on the sales program terms discount breaks the catalogs
EPD-2480 - Limit ship to list based on product_custom_fields keyword "restricted_states"
EPD-2736 - Modify Customer Filters on Order History
EPD-2573 - Pre-filter Order History data by selected Customer
EPD-2575 - Recipe: Disable Pre-filtering of Order History
EPD-2682 - Scramble - Amplitude: Order Builder Header and Menu
EPD-2655 - Scramble - Amplitude: Product Filters
EPD-2672 - Scramble - Amplitude: View Pages With Catalog Context
EPD-457 - Sort Ascending icon should have an UP Arrow
EPD-2609 - Update to the Availability table in the Order PDF export
EPD-2816 - Credit card payment provider not working properly in beta
EPD-2886 - BETA, add output/builder.rb to spice (PR included)
EPD-2844 - Prevent catalog position overwrite after imports
EPD-2870 - Amend spice to prevent `price_required` to be updated by the imports
EPD-2924 - Partial inventory cannot decrease stock to 0 with availability date matching
EPD-2848 - Add Sales Program code to Order Output
EPD-2864 - Add column to Order History Import
EPD-2852 - Skillet import update to add tracking URL to the data
EPD-2887 - Min/multi - pumpkin spice config
EPD-2888 - Prod& Beta - Order History - allow 0 quantities
EPD-2807 - Add "Group" Feature to Order Output
EPD-2889 - Spice - Update final_submission_date for 2 aqualunghq orders
EPD-2879 - Beta: Catalogs imports in beta are failing to run with unknown issue
EPD-2732 - Workbook cover product browser tag missing from View Catalog
EPD-2899 - Fix Order/Shipment minimum/maximum messaging
EPD-2893 - Filters are missing on Draft orders
EPD-2860 - Visual bugs on catalogue tiles
EPD-2862 - Updates needed in Dealer Request Form Email Response Subject Line and Body
EPD-2868 - Calling document save and Ship rate API when updating quantity
EPD-1876 - Cart Details page Retain Position when Deleting Product
EPD-2949 - Staging: CC could not launch
EPD-2900 - Catalog tile will not import, no warning/error on import
EPD-2757 - "Credit payment is required" message displays on checkout screen when credit card is not required
EPD-2875 - Issue with Filter By dropdown on Order History
EPD-2955 - Issues uploading custom assets in Collection builder
EPD-2845 - Sales program "Custom Discount" is no longer working
EPD-2813 - BETA when I click on the product name, nothing happens
EPD-2809 - Orders unable to save due to size limit even though they aren't very large
EPD-2724 - Users unable to proceed to checkout on some orders in final submission
EPD-2815 - Order History search box and filter button are missing in Edge browser
EPD-1157 - Orders Doesn't filter the first time you select a customer
EPD-2880 - Filter display issue
EPD-2872 - PDP - Availability Table Issue
EPD-2892 - Scramble - Print issues for custom assets in Collections
EPD-2877 - Seen with extra ship_rates api calls when changing ship-to location on cart details as well as checkout page
EPD-2891 - Skillet - Print issues for custom assets in Collections
EPD-2842 - Staging: Collection Assets auto-disappear while re-open it
EPD-2933 - Staging: select a customer pop up should not appear while reaching order history page while logged in as a dealer
EPD-2934 - Staging: Sub-menus on CC detail page do not work normally
EPD-2906 - Standard order page: Seeing console error and that causes no product can be seen for the 2nd time opening of the standard order page
EPD-2390 - Submitted orders don't display size grid in Overview tab
EPD-2898 - When Clicking into a Catalog, customer filtering is not happening according to catalog permissions