
EPD-1914 - Add new order history field - Recipe

EPD-1971 - Add import warning when products are imported multiple times

EPD-2001 - Apply non-catalog-specific tags even if catalog specific tags exist for a product

EPD-2016 - Better Menu Switching Standard vs Quick Order

EPD-1964 - Manage individual Catalog assets in View Catalog of CSP

EPD-2092 - Optimize Layout Config Loading

EPD-2010 - Recipe - Enable Offline Order Form

EPD-2009 - Scramble - Add Offline Order Form page route

EPD-1972 - Scramble - Alt Images Display

EPD-1893 - Scramble - Build Order: Simplify builder filters

EPD-1973 - Scramble - Bundles Info Link

EPD-1894 - Scramble - Collections Print Modal: Hide ATS Dates

EPD-1899 - Scramble - Modify button labels and cart icon to reflect Whiteboard context instead of Order

EPD-1986 - Scramble - More Details Features

EPD-1990 - Scramble - More Details Modal Container

EPD-1981 - Scramble - More Details Price

EPD-1982 - Scramble - More Details Product Identifiers and Rating

EPD-1984 - Scramble - More Details Revisions

EPD-1987 - Scramble - More Details Sizes

EPD-1985 - Scramble - More Details Technology

EPD-1954 - Scramble - Product Media Modal Add To Cart / Add All Variations

EPD-1980 - Scramble - Product Media Modal Keyboard Shortcuts

EPD-1952 - Scramble - Product Media Modal Previous / Next

EPD-1955 - Scramble - Product Media Modal Price

EPD-1953 - Scramble - Product Media Modal Product Identifiers Component

EPD-2058 - Scramble - Remove Quick Order from Account Preferences

EPD-1975 - Scramble - Video Integration

EPD-1783 - Translation task from EPD-1600

EPD-1959 - Update CSP Admin to show only active associated rep and dealer users

EPD-1890 - Update Description for the Merchandising Only Recipe Setting

EPD-2068 - Update search logic for specific colorways within IAB

EPD-2024 - Update prices.csv to use season instead of catalog key

EPD-2081 - Bundles data isn't importing

EPD-2101 - Order History Invoices via API, URL revision

EPD-2036 - Need to control catalogs on CSP admin

EPD-2087 - Enable product_tags fields TagNamePosition, TagNameFilter, TagPositionValue, TagFilterValue   

EPD-2028 - Updated prices to use currency unable to view prices in old orders

EPD-2104 - Copy spice config settings from liberatedbrands

EPD-2062 - Order output

EPD-2077 - Move technology to variation level

EPD-2035 - Add object_movies import option

EPD-2027 - Product related issue

EPD-2000 - Processed ERP overview layout

EPD-2004 - Media Assets won't download image_mappings urls

EPD-2019 -  "Credit payment is required" message displays on checkout screen when credit card is not required  

EPD-1999 - Unable to Place Order via Mobile device PWA

EPD-2134 - Cannot open "More Detail" modal in Edit Quantities view  

EPD-2163 - CSP>Catalogs Error when IAB is enabled

EPD-2098 - Only 1 alt image is being displayed under main image when product has 2 alt images 

EPD-2145 - Order history:The check boxes no longer select what rows to be downloaded when export xlsx     

EPD-2091 - PDP : PDP modal frame is shaking when cursor is at some specific point on zoom icon 

EPD-2053 - PDP is remembering the last scroll position and shows up the next item with the same scroll position

EPD-2031 - PDP is throwing error when navigating back and clicking again

EPD-2088 - PDP: Alt image selector being shown with empty thumbnail 

EPD-2132 - PMM: The product media modal is behaving abnormally when clicking on ‘Add All Variations’ button

EPD-2089 - Product Media Modal: The image doesn't display when mouse cursor overlays the image zoom field on PDP  

EPD-27 - Recipe login returns {"success":false,"message":"ReferenceError: c is not defined"}

EPD-1462 - Share with dealer is not displaying data if the order is not saved

EPD-2161 - Staging :Cannot nav to collection build page after clicking Create

EPD-1520 - Staging/Beta/PRD CSP: CSV link clicking keeps loading for several mins then prompts with time out error  

EPD-2096 - Unexpected warning in the Rename Order window

EPD-41 - Total available qty is not adding up correctly for unrestricted catalog  

EPD-2123 - Update PWA app sync code to match manual changes made over the last year

EPD-1751 - Import a File not working as expected when order hits exception screen 2