EPD-1755 - Add robots.txt file to Scramble    

EPD-1824 - Support customer price group in order output   

EPD-1861 - Include service name in path for print files   

EPD-803 - Modify Italian translation for 'Catalog Name' on Order Confirmation Email   

EPD-1865 - Slowness : Fix    

EPD-1862 - Optimize Dynamic Module Loading    

EPD-1860 - Optimize Print Job Layout Rule Processing  

EPD-1830 - Reduce the timeout that happens when we check email logos

EPD-1548 - Remove conditional Rep ATS Label Max logic at Catalog level    

EPD-30 - Remove warning message from Order History "choose a customer" CANCEL button    

EPD-1897 - Scramble: Product Detail Page - change layout  

EPD-1840 - Scramble: Product Detail Page - Product Variant Selector    

EPD-1802 - Scramble: Product Details Page - Sizes Component    

EPD-1800 - Surface product_custom_fields data for inclusion in elastic order json   

EPD-1877 - Update Custom Image file renaming logic 

EPD-1910 - Skillet changes for "Division" values   

EPD-1908 - Delimiter modification    

EPD-1994 - Revert changes as part of updating order_history import    

EPD-1925 - Data Janitor: Remove `-745` data

EPD-1841 - Orders stuck in 'Waiting' Status in Ripcurl Sandbox Beta    

EPD-1792 - Order History Invoices via API    

EPD-1879 - Do not concatenate price_group+currency_code in spice   

EPD-1905 - Update Terms & Conditions in Order Confirmation emails   

EPD-1842 - Enhancement Request - Implement Price Source Tracking in Order Output    

EPD-1846 - Change an associated user to Main user  

EPD-1948 - Incorrect validation of rep restrictions in order output    

EPD-1902 - Change order output structure 

EPD-1929 - Add tracking URL import for Order History 

EPD-1931 - "Access Denied" pop-up for New Collections Sharing Email link    

EPD-1889 - Translation missing 'Include Product Details (i.e. Sizes, UPC, SKU)'    

EPD-1850 - Sizesort file and some style/color are not in order

EPD-1852 - Many lines of "payment conditions" at the end of order   

EPD-1790 - Zeros being omitted in a color code key    

EPD-68 - Hide product slider icon not centered    

EPD-1922 - 'remaining credit' modal appearing for non-b2c customers on other site

EPD-1681 - Campaign_Groups: Number of contacts in groups getting '0' while updating contacts to the group through Bulk Email Search

EPD-1126 - Campaigns: 'Add To Group' & 'Create New Group' buttons are showing in highlight mode though user is out of it

EPD-1940 - Cart stop updating when delete qty in the grid cell after deleting a shipment

EPD-1911 - Cart summary page is calling skillet API too many times when cart page is opened

EPD-1258 - Cart summary page- does not display all columns in drop down on a new order without any qty input

EPD-1917 - Cart Summary: grid data stacked during loading of table

EPD-1968 - CC share: The send to recipient prompt box does not appear in time    

EPD-1921 - IAB does not load    

EPD-29 - In CSP-In Order Detail Report, Catalog field and State fields are overlapping as we keep selecting/adding Catalog value

EPD-1032 - Invalid products should not display while Customer /Catalog/products combination on CC creation/edition    

EPD-16 - Misalignment of discount icon and discount bar

EPD-1962 - Staging/Beta: print menu does not work on admin modal    

EPD-1923 - Order History does not open if you don't select a customer    

EPD-1268 - Performance issue in the new scramble com code with large order

EPD-1956 - Product detail page is not displaying when not refreshed

EPD-1935 - Products/Shipments are not removed immediately when Clear Up is used

EPD-1997 - Quick order Entry: Filter tree menu will not update according to the filter condition in the filter panel    

EPD-1828 - Unable to update Terms&Conditions message

EPD-1797 - Sales Programs details not translated

EPD-1822 - sort_by Available Inventory breaks in standard mode

EPD-1998 - The count is missing in the Filter panel in the second time to create order/load quick order    

EPD-1936 - Units is updating wrong    

EPD-1932 - Units stop updating when clear up is used for the shipment

EPD-64 - Video at tablet breakpoint not scaling correctly    

EPD-853 - When Rep View As a Dealer shows different dashboards