Highlights: Elastic New User Welcome email now includes the link to subscribe the Elastic Newsletter.

EPD-1598 - Ability to "forget user" when Acc # no longer active

EPD-205 - B2C Mode: Modify display to not show over 100% or negative total

EPD-1623 - B2C Mode: Modify filter drawer price label

EPD-1419 - Change Build Order default sort to Manual Sort when Color Code sort is enabled 

EPD-1532 - Create endpoint for generating a copy link 

EPD-231 - Deprecate Exploration Homepage Recipe Setting

EPD-879 - Elastic New User Welcome Email Update Newsletter

EPD-1533 - Endpoint to facilitate the sharing of link for order generation

EPD-1510 - Add Copy URL option for Collections

EPD-1590 - Recipe: Setting to enable Copy URL feature for Orders/Collections

EPD-1668 - Translations for Notes modal, part 2 of 2

EPD-1604 - Remove Scramble code references of Exploration Homepage Recipe Setting

EPD-1452 - Remove View Catalog and Build Order from User Preferences

EPD-1606 - Scramble Reconfigure Rogue Warning Modal 

EPD-1608 - Skillet PDF displays

EPD-1443 - Enable SAML SSO in Spice

EPD-1402 - Include components details in order output for bundle products

EPD-1636 - Remap order_history

EPD-1661 - Prevent order submission if it has empty shipments

EPD-1654 - Add new order history fields - Spice    

EPD-1702 - Run conversion on SoldToID

EPD-1678 - Set up Bill Trust SSO (final requirements)

EPD-1665 - Update Spice to map unit_price rather than net_price 

EPD-1671 - Whiteboard export error

EPD-1673 Add freight_amount to Order History - Spice

EPD-1310 - Order histories columns 'Unit Price'/'Unit Retail Price' mapping 

EPD-1674 Add 'min' field in catalog mapping

EPD-1659 - Enable sales program import

EPD-1649 - Spice update for Catalog Import to pull in OrderMultiple at catalog level

EPD-1717 - Catalog imports overwrite changes made in the admin portal 

EPD-1672 - Handle mount failures during order output

EPD-1154 - Wrong date displayed in order details and OO 

EPD-1706 - B2C Mode: Total value under cart displays negative 

EPD-1705 - B2C Mode:The discounts calculated value is wrong  

EPD-1381 - Comments report does not take into account filters 

EPD-1124 - The search results on campaigns (all the search boxes on campaigns) are not matching 

EPD-1045 - Currency symbol is not a match with the selected customer in order history in the excel

EPD-1572 - Bulk Email Search does not work

EPD-1670 - Remaining translations