EPD-1485 - New order_history columns

EPD-1483 - New order_history columns Skillet

EPD-1501 - Add rogue to skillet embellishment strategy list

EPD-1435 - Force User to Recalculate Sales Program After Selection 

EPD-1172 - Confirmation Email Summary does not match PDF export or Cart Summary Page

EPD-1073 - Dropship address validation - Allow user to proceed with address entered

EPD-1313 - Extend Recipe ATS Inventory Cap Settings to Availability Exports

EPD-1359 - Extend Scramble Translations for Start Ship Date to confirmation emails 

EPD-967 - Feature flag enhancement to make it available by default 

EPD-1438 - Add Notes Modal when sharing collection

EPD-1440 - Generate Formatted Email for Collection Sharing

EPD-1437 - Recipe: Shared collection email

EPD-1457 - Transfer to Rep Update to Pop Up Modal

EPD-1411 - Scramble Rogue API Call

EPD-1525 - Re-map customer IDs to new SoldToIDs

EPD-1360 - New order_history columns

EPD-1478 - Order history - import qty=0

EPD-1442 - Add catalog_key to features

EPD-1517 - Add Users import to admin site

EPD-1441 - Clone Patagonia order output process to beta Patagonia Japan

EPD-1466 - Perform SoldToID conversion in Sandbox

EPD-711 - Adjust order history pumpkin spice column

EPD-1554 - Fix broken partial inventory config

EPD-1450 - Import changes to support new warehouse

EPD-1493 - Spice mapping update - customer prices

EPD-1482 - Enable Order History Import 

EPD-1497 - Two orders erroring

EPD-1492 - Update Spice to allow order block

EPD-625 - Products Filter Count not displaying properly for Style and Team

EPD-1528 - Club Customizer fields not displaying values 

EPD-630 - Display Payment Type in Checkout Screen

EPD-1516 - Actions menu doesn't get close after selection

EPD-1556 - Not able to open an Order builder page after selecting the catalog

EPD-1515 - Campaigns: there is a problem to loading this row error alert

EPD-854 - Sales programs being incorrectly applied

EPD-1506 - Explore > Collection list will not respect customer permission

EPD-1566 - Going back from the salesprogram page is giving errors when the multiple shipments are added

EPD-8 - Drag and Drop order no longer functional

EPD-1398 - Impossible to create order importing a file

EPD-1563 - Not able to proceed through Salesprogram page

EPD-954 - Recipe: Seeing error while updating 'Show duplicate and Share' button

EPD-1496 - Skillet incorrectly using production recipe settings for campaigns recipient allow list 

EPD-1280 - Order Type Logic Fails for Rep Review Orders 

EPD-413 - Whiteboard -Hover over the "Save" button- Tooltip displays only "ctrl"