EPD-1461 - Add a button to the collections page to load additional collections on the page

EPD-1456 - Bulk Email Search NOT FOUND records Skillet

EPD-282 - Campaigns: Bulk Email Search UI

EPD-1144 - Campaigns: Bulk Email Search Validations 

EPD-1000 - CSP Campaigns Delivery Status - Delivery Status

EPD-927 - Modify Import a File sequencing logic 

EPD-1366 - Re-enable Bulk Search Option in Campaigns

EPD-1182 - Clean Up Amplitude Event Properties

EPD-1463 - Set up a new skillet endpoint to update row-based order summary

EPD-15 - Update 'Icon forward' Sharing icon in Cart link

EPD-1471 - Update react from 16 to 18

EPD-1195 - When deleting / undeleting order in CSP, do not update Date Updated

EPD-1410 - Scramble Recipe Setting

EPD-1384 - Hard code value in order output

EPD-1385 - Hard code value in order output

EPD-1374 - Order output - config modification

EPD-1333 - Product tags created from ST file not showing in interface

EPD-1406 - Modify prices.json to use "season" instead of "catalog_key"

EPD-1468 - Clean up order history orders

EPD-1322 - Ship Window Dates 1-5 will be maintained via CSP

EPD-1472 - Run conversion script on missed SoldToIDs

EPD-1380 - Run conversion script on SoldToIDs

EPD-1297 - Spice - Update order_history import

EPD-1338 - Update catalog_mapping import spice config to stock_item_key instead of product_number  

EPD-1401 - Remove freight charges from Order Output

EPD-1405 - Change image_mapping.csv config

EPD-1335 - 360 image import should accept png instead of jpg

EPD-1407 - Order output adjustment - semicolon and line breaks

EPD-1296 - Updates to import config, accept secondary files

EPD-1399 - Remove Freight Charges from OO

EPD-1392 - Update Spice to allow order block

EPD-1417 - Change inventory strategy to cumulative

EPD-1373 - Order output - add Submitted by field

EPD-1408 - Inventory strategy is no longer correct

EPD-1490 - Catalog field not updating with import

EPD-1498 - Setup Rogue embellishments import

EPD-1317 - Help interpreting Admin Print Error

EPD-1027 - Product tags value not displayed in PDF print Summary page

EPD-1283 - Errror while attempting to print a job for a Catalog

EPD-1391 - Change decimal divider in Order History XLSX export

EPD-937 - Marquee images are not filling screen

EPD-957 - Wrong currency display in download excel from OH

EPD-1404 - Collection/standard order/quick order Product search results do not respect variation position order 

EPD-1207 - Register page link to Elastic privacy policy broken

EPD-1387 - Inventory report issue

EPD-1459 - Quick order - Product search results do not respect variation position order

EPD-1383 - Skillet - Collections being served when the user no longer has access to a catalog

EPD-1189 - Disabled Sales Reps Getting Emails When Collections Shared

EPD-1156 - Product level ATS incorrectly displays on Detail screen

EPD-1367 - Whiteboard: When change the size of the screen, user can select gif file to upload