EPD-1093 - Amend order output
EPD-968 - Bundles not displayed on front end
EPD-1008 - Delete all product images in BETA
EPD-1020 - Adjust pumpkin-spice mapping to Talend file
EPD-1018 - Order output- pumpkin-spice configuration
EPD-998 - Run conversion script on old-to-new SoldToIDs & RepIDs for ERP cut-over
EPD-817 - Export PDF Remove hyphen from start of color code
EPD-801 - Add Net price after discount in PDF confirmation
EPD-1017 - Bust cacheing on version.json file in scramble
EPD-811 - Campaign Metrics - Scramble - Hide Opened
EPD-215 - Campaign UnSub Endpoint: API Calls
EPD-221 - Campaign UnSub Endpoint: Login and New Page - Scramble
EPD-217 - Campaign UnSub Endpoint: Modify SendGrid - Skillet
EPD-838 - Restrict Rep visibility by SoldTo and Brand
EPD-986 - Multiple values will not import with customer_custom_fields
EPD-987 - Include in import catalog_custom_field.csv
EPD-748 - Remove the dependent restriction on user campaign_groups
EPD-1013 - Revert the changes made for EPD-869
EPD-245 - Display message to user if campaign send fails
EPD-779 - Stored XSS in the name of collections
EPD-778 - Stored XSS in the tab name of builder page
EPD-1041 - Total Net Cost shown on line level on the Order PDF
EPD-862 - Username Enumeration via Forgot Password Functionality
EPD-1048 - Delete Order History for 1 customer
EPD-1063 - "Reset filters" will reset the catalog sort option to "catalog position" in "Build Order" page
EPD-992 - Catalogs import pulls in duplicate product images
EPD-1097 - Brand Logo is too small for the site in unsubscribe page
EPD-1010 - Beta - All automatic shipments defaulting same Start Ship Date from catalog data
EPD-836 - Order History shows incorrect currency
EPD-922 - Need to select add to cart twice on Chrome
EPD-1096 - Changing the Unsubscribe Link at the end of Campaign Emails to link to new URL for the Unsubscribe Endpoint
EPD-541 - Reset Filters is changing the Sort Order from Catalog Position to Product Number
EPD-1058 - Unable to visit 'Assort' due to error
EPD-1034 - Issue with order output
EPD-691 - Inventory Not Showing in the 'Cart' and 'What You Ordered' Screens
EPD-1100 - Periodic version check 404 error in console
EPD-1030 - Replacing < character with native html character entity
EPD-805 - OrderType not updating based off selection
EPD-481 - Collections not sorting by brand controls