ECDS-2892 - Elastic order JSON, include ConfigMultiplier and calculate Upcharge value
ECDS-2888 - Hide product data in Order PDF Outputs based on Recipe setting
ECDS-2879 - Change ship date per style/color in new Cart Detail View (Phase IIII)
ECDS-2873 - Skillet Recipe setting to hide product data in Order PDF Outputs
ECDS-2856 - Extend logic to Hide Product Data in UI to the Collections cart
ECDS-2825 - Scramble ticket to register new order_history fields in the frontend
ECDS-2773 - Change text for remove quantity amount from cart
ECDS-2696 - Set Recipe default for Search Stemming to be on for all new sites
ECDS-2663 - Recipe - Add variables to Ship Via Options
ECDS-2639 - Support Customer Information Widget - Widget Editor
ECDS-2636 - Request to Configure Client to CloudFront (Skillet Change)
ECDS-2619 - Hide order overview page
ECDS-2618 - (Desktop) Change dropship text on checkout page
ECDS-2451 - Import Sales Program Spreadsheet - Add Order Max Sales Program
ECDS-1763 - Add logic so that when users click Product Images they are directed to Site/Campaign
ECDS-2946 - Product are not loading product listing (3up) page
ECDS-2937 - Elastic order JSON, upcharge value is not factoring in ConfigMultiplier
ECDS-2932 - Elastic not proceeding to Checkout after Real Time Inventory Check completes
ECDS-2916 - Page is not loading after clicking "Shop Now"; error "Invalid URI format"
ECDS-2914 - Able to submit order without an address selected
ECDS-2907 - Add Support Back for Legacy Max PO Value
ECDS-2905 - When a order level sales program amount discount is applied to the order, clicking recalculate shows nothing
ECDS-2904 - Some sales programs gets passed to the order output while they are unchecked
ECDS-2898 - PWA product filters not matching desktop
ECDS-2887 - Elastic Navigation not working. Console error observed
ECDS-2886 - Users can save the order without selecting required items
ECDS-2860 - Order Output bug: Rayon value is not populated in every shipments
ECDS-2844 - Multiple Warehouse not working for Bundle Items
ECDS-2802 - Incorrect Discount Percent Displays on Sales Programs page when quantities are changed
ECDS-2759 - Prevent browser extensions from bypassing generic payment modals/popups
ECDS-2733 - Embellishment program importer error
ECDS-2716 - Delete Sales Program Groups - BUG
ECDS-2673 - Missing image placeholder is different than desktop
ECDS-2578 - Catalog default product sort is not working
ECDS-2548 - Unable to add domain to recipe for campaigns testing