The following Media Assets are REQUIRED:

  • Marquee asset
  • Primary/Hero Product images
  • Catalog Front Cover images
  • Login Page Background image
  • Brand Logo images 
  • Favicon image

The following Media Assets are OPTIONAL:

  • Secondary/Alternate Product images
  • Branded “Missing Image” image
  • Product Videos
  • Catalog Back Cover images
  • Catalog Category Divider images
  • Technology Icon images
  • Online Catalog Landing Page images
  • Online Catalog Category Landing Page images
  • Online Technology Page images

SFTP Location Summary

Catalog Front Cover
Catalog Back Cover
Collateral Pages
Category Dividers
assetsonlineCatalog Tiles
View Catalog Landing Page
View Catalog Category Landing Page
View Catalog Technology Page
Technology Icons
Product Images
Lifestyle Images
Product Video

Email the following to your Elastic Project Manager 

Asset Type
Login Page Background
Brand Logo
Favorite Icon (Favicon)
Branded Missing Image

Setup in the Dashboard in Admin CSP

Asset Type
Marquee - Image or Video
Explore: Links images
Carousel Image (1)