ECDS-2458 - Include Alt Size reference on Cart Detail screen

ECDS-2448 Update to Order Output file Phase II

ECDS-2438 - Remove Pumpkin Spice logic for sending discount

ECDS-2431 Chat bot icon updates to specific screens

ECDS-2421 - Recipe Setting Apply External Pricing in Cart-Detail screen

ECDS-2359 - Price Calculation Display for new sales programs

ECDS-2358 API Price as a Sales Program, Admin CSP Updates  

ECDS-2342 - New Customer Signup Form Data Collection Send via API

ECDS-1391 Order history Add new column in recipe

ECDS-2480 Can't start order in site with new UX off

ECDS-2442 - Top navigation (Brand logo at top left) is not working when the Cart-Detail screen is enabled

ECDS-2439 - Date format in Cart-Detail screen should respect format for user language preference

ECDS-2387 Modifying cart quantities once an item is added to cart will not update cart 

ECDS-2385 - Selecting different colorways when the page is scrolled down prevents image from loading

ECDS-2315 - Product filters differ from desktop -> PWA

ECDS-2218 Updating catalogs settings overwrites catalog_custom_fields

ECDS-1988 Product filter sets using a deleted collection error in the CSP