ECDS-2087 - Prices in order list changing to last viewed orders currency

ECDS-2137 - Availability warnings in nonblocking catalogs

ECDS-1807 - view catalog list is not filtered by brand

ECDS-1894 - Sales Programs upload - Automatic Job to delete Sales Program Groups

ECDS-1922 - Order History - Change default filter to Order Date instead of Ship Date

ECDS-1941 - Campaigns not sending in PRD

ECDS-1951 - Reg Ex Bug when adding to Campaigns Recipient list

ECDS-1956 - currency mismatch front end

ECDS-1973 - Ability to sort asc or desc in quick order (like Name (asc/dsc))

ECDS-1976 - Add Export XLSX button to Exceptions for Transfer to Rep Orders

ECDS-2001 - Not able to navigate to other screens from View Catalog page

ECDS-2008 - Staging: click on any menu/button does not work

ECDS-2013 - BETA - Create New Order button is not working 

ECDS-2039 - Not Able to navigate to other screens from Manage

ECDS-2045 - Not able to make any action from View Catalog page

ECDS-2049 - Not being able to submit an order with unpersonalized items

ECDS-1538 - Prevent checkout for customized items if they have not been customized

ECDS-1540 - When a product filter is selected, display or hide other product tags based on whether they have results or not

ECDS-1719 - Remove all options except price from Sort By options

ECDS-1870 - remove order date picker from checkout page

ECDS-1873 - Clicking "Orders" from the Manage menu should take user directly to the Quantity selection view

ECDS-1874 - Add pop up during checkout process that displays "All Sales are Final" text

ECDS-1885 - While RegExp is turned on, document Notes and Page Notes still can paste invalid characters for the 1st time

ECDS-1893 - Do not allow sales programs to be deselected when achieved

ECDS-1911 - Allow Yellow Triangle inventory warnings with Unrestricted catalog types

ECDS-1947 - Add custom link to login page

ECDS-1952 - Order Summary View: Removing Pills from Summary View does not remove columns

ECDS-1953 - Add custom link to login page

ECDS-1962 - to make consistent and control the options in drop-down

ECDS-1963 - Prevent checkout for customized items if they have not been customized 

ECDS-1974 - Requirement Analysis

ECDS-1975 - Development

ECDS-1980 - Translate recent nls changes

ECDS-1986 - Change 0+ inventory display on unrestricted catalog type

ECDS-1990 - refactor more stories

ECDS-1991 - Merge BP Sprint 10 code with CDS Sprint 2022.23 - Scramble (10/21)

ECDS-1999 - Order History page Breadcrumb is not getting populated correctly

ECDS-2009 - Text in french to download orders in excel and pdf is too long

ECDS-2014 - Cannot Visit Order History Page

ECDS-2026 - Proceed to Checkout button could not proceed during order submission

ECDS-2038 - Translate recent NLS changes

ECDS-2051 - Add terms_name to order_history in CSP

ECDS-2024 - Multiple French translations for the same phrase