Front-End Changes
- (ECDS-1194) - Change requests to cart and checkout pages
- (ECDS-1249) - Modifications to order listing wtihin a customer - Sales Rep View
- (ECDS-1256) - Modifications to Order Details
- (ECDS-1407) - Issues with Automatic Shipments Flow
- (ECDS-1477) - Translation required Spanish/French/German
- (ECDS-1494) - Inventory hover not displaying triangle warning if zero stock
- (ECDS-1495) - Inventory Hover displaying dates in the past
- (ECDS-1527) - Unable to change ship date in overview screen
- (ECDS-1530) - Total amount not displaying fully on cart overview
- (ECDS-1546) - Text turned as mandatory to submit orders
- (ECDS-1547) - Missing View All translation on catalogs widget
- (ECDS-1560) - Missing translations with new order catalog form
- (ECDS-1564) - Missing translations with tab filter form
- (ECDS-1586) - Missing translations with availability modal
Back-End Changes
- (ECDS-1474) - Add upcharge next to Discounts in order PDF
- (ECDS-1486) - Error adding user
- (ECDS-1499) - Script to set images to reprocess
- (ECDS-1501) - Whiteboards with > 100 pages cause blank white pages
- (ECDS-1520) - Add validations to the print_asset language field
- (ECDS-1529) - Customer country being downcased during validate call