Front-End Changes
- (ECDS-1231) - UX feedback - checked rows missing background color
- (ECDS-1301) - Pull OneSky translations for campaigns nav menu
- (ECDS-1299) - "Send Now" Button in campaigns has been removed
- (ECDS-1275) - Campaigns - Replace all hardcoded strings
- (ECDS-1285) - Wildcard follow-up with vendor
- (ECDS-1220) - CSP - Customer Details / Locations
- (ECDS-1225) - Pull OneSky Order
- (ECDS-1202) - Custom Discount adding up instead of overriding
- (ECDS-1271) - Campaigns - date distance not correct
- (ECDS-1272) - Campaigns - make "Create Campaign" a form
- (ECDS-1273) - Campaigns - Nave link for "Create Campaign" should open modal on click
- (ECDS-1277) - Campaigns - debounce all inputs
- (ECDS-1283) - Error appears after clicking "Begin" button to create new campaigns
- (ECDS-1294) - Campaigns - "Send Test Email" and "Save and Close" button do not work as previously
- (ECDS-1298) - Campaigns - End date is allowed to submit when selected date is in past
Back-End Changes
- (ECDS-261) - Golf Club configurator
- (ECDS-1185) - Display all possible import types in filter list
- (ECDS-1224) - Unable to add any products to order in production
- (ECDS-1035) - Add editable language field to customers data in csp
- (ECDS-1243) - Create test script to load full user list of emails for testing in campaigns