Front-End Changes
- (#9357) Translation missing error for few products in Enter Quantities Page
- (#9328) Updates to sharing features
- (#9325) Support sharing by internal dealers (Marketing users)
- (#9235) Support Min/ Max amount options
- (#9099) Related Products General Information and 1-up not consistent
- (#8150) Summary columns are not rearranged when we drag & drop a field
- (#7796) New UI 619 -"Copy to All" in Enter Quantities doesn't work when we put quantity to 0
- (#9213) Can't place new order after another without closing browser tab
- (#9286) "Import a file" is getting stuck on "Import Products" window if import the second time
- (#9260) Increase size of View Alternates modal
- (#9135) Discounts and Upcharge Display issues when Retail Prices displayed
- (#9193) Hide Search setting does not seem to be working
- (#8977) Various issues with importing a file defaults
- (#8090) Change string that indicates user has no catalogs
Back-End Changes
- (#9654) Internal rep product permissions set incorrectly
- (#8433) Allow whitespace in keywords when using comma separated search
- (#9583) Scope price groups to the customer in the request
- (#9538) Remove/Modify custom match_media_type overrides in spices
- (#9409) Enable special characters in product search feature
- (#9567) Add client field support to order history
- (#9545) [Latte] Update optional catalog fields