In the Admin (CSP) under 'Data' you can find the 'Ratings' page which contains a full log of every rating users have made in each catalog.

Example of "5" rating from site.


Whenever a user adds a rating in the front end of the site (1-5 stars) the following information will be recorded in this log; Catalog Key, Name, Account Number, Product Number, Variation Code, and Rating. These columns can be clicked on the top header to sort by either alphabetical or numerical depending on the characters in the column.


This page can also be filtered using the several filters on the right which include; Catalog Key, Rating, Product Number, and Variation Code. After entering in how you would like this filtered, click the 'Filter' button to execute the filter. They can then additionally be sorted after filtering.


At the bottom of the page you will see an option to download the log using a CSV file. You can also select XML and JSON to open the log in a new page with the log displayed in these code types. The way the log is filtered and sorted will affect how many entries and the order of the entries in the export.