If you wish to show available quantities in Elastic, the inventory data is required. Inventory can be sent as future inventory or current inventory. In a 'blocking catalog' inventory data is required for each product for it to appear in the catalog. At least one 'warehouse' value is required to allocate inventory to specific customers or catalogs. Inventory can also be split by drop date. 


FieldRequired? TypeUsage
WarehouseYStringInventory Source. Maps to the Customer Warehouse or Catalog Warehouse
StockItemKeyYStringUsually UPC or SKU. Maps to a size-level product.
Available DateNDate (YYYYMMDD)The date future inventory will be available. If left blank, inventory is available today. 
QuantityYIntegerThe number of units available

Inventory Dates

Elastic can display inventory based on the Request Date of the order. Items with an available date in the future can be ordered by changing the 'Start Ship Date' of the order in Elastic. 

In the below example, there are zero of UPC 1123456789 available to order today. There are 5 available on Jan 1, 2023 and 30 available on March 1st.

Customer Inventory

The customer warehouse is sent with the customer data (customers.csv). The warehouse that is assigned to each account corresponds to an inventory amount in the inventory.csv file. This allows brands to target different inventory allocations for different customers, based on geographic region, account status, etc. 

A customer with a warehouse value of 'HAUS' would be able to order from the highlighted allocation for UPC '1123456789'

Catalog Inventory

Inventory can also be set at the catalog level. This setting allows brands to set different inventory allocations for different catalogs. A warehouse value can be set in the admin/catalogs sections on the Admin CSP. Just like when setting customer warehouses, this warehouse will match an inventory allocation in the inventory feed (inventory.csv). 

If a catalog is set to an inventory source of 'EXCLUSIVE', that catalog will only show quantities from the 'EXCLUSIVE' warehouse regardless of the customer warehouse setting. 

How "Live" is live inventory on Elastic?

When an order is placed, inventory data will automatically decrement in the Elastic Database. Available quantities will be updated as buyers place order against the current inventory data. Depending on the needs of the brand and the integration, new inventory data can be synced to the site one per day or several times per hour. Each new inventory import overwrites the current inventory data set. 

When a draft order is opened, a live inventory check will occur. Buyers will see an inventory warning if availability has changed since the last time the order was saved. 

For more info, see the article on the 'Availability Changed Modal'